The Covid-19 event has caused many people to consider if it’s time to leave the big city. Americans flee crowded cities is a theme for many recent articles. Look at the number of cases and deaths that have occurred in New York and in congested cities and suburbs near large cities. Smaller towns and areas away from the largest cities have suffered less.

It also seems that hospitals and medical care are better away from the big cities as well. Perhaps you should give serious consideration to the idea of it being time to leave the big city. People are working from their homes and companies have found that it is not necessary to have everyone in a crowded office building.

It seems that we are not the only ones to write about the fact that people are moving out of the big cities. This article in the New York Times discusses the topic. CNN published a similar article. An article in explains reasons why this may be a trend. Finally to buttress our article, USA Today published yet another similar story. There must be some truth to the statement that “Americans flee crowded cities”.

Facebook just announced their employees can work from home

Facebook just today announced that it will permit people to work from home. If your employer will permit this, perhaps you can move almost anywhere you want and not lose income. If you are retired or soon to be retired, you could consider if it’s time to leave the big city or congested suburbs for what we used to call a better life. We can now consider calling the move perhaps a safer life as well.

Leaving some of the larger cities and densely packed suburbs can improve your life. Perhaps cleaner air, lower crime and a general improvement in the quality of life would follow. I can sit here and write this blog article because I took my own advice and got out Fortunately, I am glad that I did.

Our small community on the Mississippi Gulf Coast is near the beach and we have everything you could desire in a place to live or retire. Excellent schools in the top 90% of all schools. This is a key reason to consider living if your big city or congested suburban school system is falling behind.

Consider lower taxes

Consider lower taxes as well. If the price of a new home is lower than where you currently live the taxes should be lower as well. Perhaps the lack of a commute will save you on auto expenses. Also consider that by reducing the miles you drive you also reduce your risk of being in an accident. Perhaps moving to a new smaller community will save your life.

Our community has a hospital and there are other hospitals in the two other small cities close by. These hospitals were never overwhelmed with Covid-19. Our food supply was very good and we were short of paper goods for a very short time.

No lines to enter most stores (Lowes and Home Depot had short lines at first), Our area was not locked down, so many of our residents were working throughout the COVID issue. Casinos were shut but many restaurants operated by pick-up or drop-off.

I do not doubt that what played out along the Mississippi Gulf Coast was repeated across the country except for well-publicized large cities and congested suburbs just outside of the cities. Perhaps it’s time to leave the big city or at least consider it given what I just explained above.

Reasons to move

Make a list of the reasons why you should stay where you are. Then make a list of reasons why you should move. To help start the list, use the following categories and add others that apply:

  • Safety – lower chance of catching a virus
  • Safety – Crime
  • Schools – quality and rating
  • Price of houses – higher or lower
  • Taxes – property and state income taxes
  • Quality of life – air pollution, noise
  • Things to do – fishing, etc.
  • Work from home – if you can then how far from the office
  • Food culture – on MS Gulf Coast we have cajun and seafood
  • Shopping – are the types of stores you need available
  • Medical care – Is there a hospital close by if you need one
  • Sports and outdoor activities – can you play baseball on your property
  • Political climate – Is it suitable to you.
  • Cost of living – compare

There are perhaps many more items that must be considered before undertaking any move but the ones above are the most common. Of courses you will consider your family as well. While considering this element, give serious thought to how people interact with each other. Electronics have helped communicate.

If you are concerned about moving away from your adult kids, you must consider what happens if they move away from you. You can visit each other or they can afford to live where you live. After all, one of the key reasons for relocation is the cost of living. If you are moving to a lower cost of living area e.g. Mississippi Gulf Coast, your kids can perhaps more afford a home here than where you are moving from.

A client recently told me that they were considering moving to the Mississippi Gulf Coast among a couple of other choices because their kids could not afford housing in Southern California. I explained that they can have the entire family move to the Mississippi Gulf Coast because even people on mammal incomes can afford to buy their own home.

What a great idea, having the entire family move to the area. The parents have lots of equity in their California home and they can afford to give a few thousand dollars to each of their two adult kids so they can get into housing near them.

Now is it time to leave the big city?

If it is time to consider leaving the big city or over crowded metro area, consider a move to the beautiful Mississippi Gulf Coast. We have it all. Beach, weather, low taxes, not crowded, no traffic, friendly people, less stress. It’s all here except for the stress of course. Come and visit to see for yourself.

Contact us and we will make arrangements for you to stay at one of Christie Gulf Beach Rentals for a few days why we show you around. Staying in a vacation rental will give you an idea of the homes along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Be sure to view our other blog articles and the website for properties